Giftables: Large Hot Pad & Kwik Sew 4292 Potholder
I was perusing YT getting ideas for homemade Christmas gifts and came across a large hot pad DIY. Looked pretty simple so I went to Joanns for quilting cotton. I chose an avocado toast print for the more “subdued” family members and a bold peppers print for everyone else. The peppers remind me of my late grandfather’s garden.
Assembly line sewing Solid backs
Sewing the hot pad was pretty simple. It’s basically 2 rectangles held together by temporary adhesive spray, creating a fabric sandwich. I quilted 2 inches apart using a walking foot and a quilting guide. I actually really enjoyed sewing those lines. It was relaxing in a way…I can see why people enjoy quilting so much. It kinda makes me want to try making a quilt.

Folded self binding Resisting the urge to use the rotary cutter like a pizza wheel

Other than the folded edges, I’m pretty happy with the result! I think it turned out really cute. I probably should make more for our kitchen. It makes me smile when it catches my eye because it looks like something my grandparents (RIP) would have liked. We tested it and it worked well. The counter didn’t melt and the fire alarm didn’t go off so I’d call the project a success, lol.

My intention was to just sew the hot pads but since I had so much leftover fabric I decided to make a matching potholder. I could have just cut some squares and done self binding like the hot pad, but I wanted to review K4292. I don’t mind reviews at all- if it helps someone then I’m all for it. I also had a considerable amount of leftover batting from the hot pads, so I pieced them together to the right dimensions using zigzag stitch. I found that experience to be ok since I knew not a piece would be wasted.
Kwik Sew 4292 has a lot of different options- 2 potholders, round and square, a coffee maker cover, bread maker cover, blender cover, toaster cover, chopper and a tea cozy. I was still making masks when I had picked up this pattern this summer. I heard that potholders were good beginner project, and boy was it! That thing is ONE SQUARE! Talk about straight forward!
1 piece pattern! I can dig it. Batting surgery.
I used the same technique I used on the large hot pad, creating a fabric sandwich using basting spray instead of machine basting. This is such a great shortcut. K4292 uses bias tape instead of self binding though. I didn’t have bias tape and I really wanted to make a matching set so the only option was to create my own bias tape. Bah! So my quick sew project ended up turning into an all day affair.
I followed a YT video creating the bias tape by slicing and dicing a bunch of triangle strips, matching up the ends then sewing them all together. I used the 1″ needle method on my ironing board to pull it all through. It was kinda annoying to be honest, lol. Maybe one day if I need something to do I’ll create a bunch of bias tape. It’s definitely more cost effective and a scrap buster but gosh! Just standing there pressing all that felt like such a chore. Between making the bias tape and piecing the leftover batting together, I started to get impatient with the project. I ended up sewing the bias tape on all funky and as a result there’s a lot of patch jobs on my first pot holder.
Lesson learned: If the project starts to agitate you, put it down.
Creating bias tape Yes those are binder clips
The next day I sewed another one and it turned out way better. Bias tape definitely makes it more clean looking gives it a more professional finish. I decided to keep that first funky one for our house since I don’t want to send out shoddy work. I know nobody really cares if the stitching is uneven- they are just happy to receive something. Nonetheless, I am self critical.

Overall I am happy with my projects and am glad I was able to try out some new techniques on a beginner level pattern. These are really useful gifts and I look forward to playing Santa!
And this picture because I had to, lol.
Such a talent!! Love these! Looks like you are really enjoying yourself. So fun!
I am having a blast! Thanks cuz!!