The Start of Something New
Hello! Welcome to my new blog Rosie Sews Too. Here I will discuss my new sewing hobby, share reviews and thoughts on fashion. I may go off topic a bit every now and then. Not really sure what direction this will lead but I am happy to share my sewing journey with you!
Why Rosie Sews Too?! Well, funny story. When I was learning how to sew I stumbled upon a website called PatternReview.com, where sewists all over the world share reviews on patterns, machines, fabric..all kinds of sewing related things. It’s free to join so I had to think of a user name. I type in “Rosie Sews”- Unavailable. I immediately thought next of “Rosie Sews 2” like the word TOO, like “Hey I sew too!”, trying to be clever and witty. I told my husband (whom I affectionately refer to as The Viking) and he said, “Why didn’t you just write the word TOO”?!!
LOL, I don’t really know the answer to that as I had a major “Doh!” Homer Simpson moment as the number 2 comes across as a generic username. Anyway here we are on the blog where I can explain myself. 😉
Glad you are here!