Spring is in the Air
Spring is in the air…well, not really. Who are we kidding, it’s 32 degrees outside!!! Correction: Spring is in my mind! The past few days I’ve been flipping through my pattern binder book for my next project, looking for possibilities and writing down any pattern numbers.
They say you either sew based off of a pattern or based off of fabric. I am both. If I cannot find the right fabric for the pattern I won’t sew it. I went to Joanns for additional inspiration and the fabric asked me to take it home. I have a love/hate with Joanns. I love it because it’s convenient but I hate it because even though I use coupons I always feel ripped off, and their fabric quality is iffy. (At least the apparel fabric.) One thing I can say though is that just being in the store gets me excited about sewing. I think it’s because you’re surrounded by so many colors. An entire wall of colorized quilting cotton, a rainbow of thread, rainbow of zippers…it’s like being in Crayola Box Wonderland, lol.

I decided to take a chance on their fabric again and purchased a lovely purple linen/rayon mix. The shade is beautiful! I’ve never sewn linen before but I read it was fairly easy. It is a woven so I believe this. I also don’t normally wear linen because the wrinkles bother me. But I am overlooking this because of the color! I am also keeping an open mind because I know the more I sew and the more different kinds of fabrics I sew I will get only become a better sewist.
Perusing some more in the clearance aisle was a purple/pink/white quilting cotton on super clearance. Like $1 a yard. I could not pass this up! I knew immediately this combo was perfect for Simplicity 8926. I bought the rest of the bolt so I will probably make a matching headband or mask.

I am not sure how the quilting cotton will behave as pants. I made this mistake before with my first pair of Tilly Margot PJ pants. It was way too stiff and didn’t do much. But I am going to give it another shot! Open mind, right?😉
I’ve been itchy to sew clothing again so I am excited to see how this outfit will come together. This is not a look I normally wear- it’s rare to see me wearing a print. I am also reluctant to wear prints on the bottom since I don’t like drawing attention to my bum. But since the print has some white in it I am picturing it with white accents-pearls and maybe white loafers! Yes, loafers not espadrilles. I always style things a little bit differently than expected so I think it might end up looking pretty spiffy!