Handwarmers: Tiny Pillow of Toastiness
When my little brother found out I was learning how to sew, his eyes got big and said, “I have some fabric you might be able to use.” I was confused. Turns out he had cut the pant legs off his pajama pants to make shorts. (I guess he runs hot at night). He hands me the plaid flannel and I look at it wondering what I was going to do with those scraps. A flannel mask?! I chucked it in my closet.
It remained there until today when I had the idea to create handwarmers, something I had seen off of pinterest. Looked like another non-threatening easy sew so I started cutting up the squares. They are 5×5 and I got more practice using the rotary cutter. Wow, what an easy and satisfying project! It’s 3 lines, fill it with 1/4 cup of rice then sew that 4th side. They look like little pillows.
Pajama pant legs Trusty point turner
Pinterest told me to put it in the microwave for 30 seconds and it will have 30 minutes of heat. I did some quality assurance- afterall, I don’t want to send out a liability or shoddy work. 😉 This project comes at a perfect time because we are experiencing a huge snowstorm. The Viking and I took a walk during the peak of it. I tucked the handwarmers in my gloves and to my surprise I was toasty! Not in the least bit cold! They work!!
The gift of heat Tested and approved.
I really can’t wait to give these to my little brother. I think he is going to be surprised that I upcycled his pajama pants and gave it back to him. Would this be considered recycling a gift, lol. I know he could use these too since he’s an outdoor all seasons kind of person. I plan to use my pair every day for the rest of winter because I absolutely DETEST the cold!!!
Hope everyone out there is staying warm and cozy.