Wiksten Top…Again?!
Can we be done with this thing yet? Lol, just kidding. I find it so amusing and ironic I’ve sewn this pattern so many times, especially since I rated it so low on PR and complained about it in my last couple of posts. But guess what, my MIL (Mother-in-Law) loved my blue top so much, she requested one for herself! Even though I said I didn’t like the pattern I don’t mind sewing it again. It is a very straightforward sew and very forgiving when it comes to fit. Also, because I sewed it 3 times already that $20 cost is going down in cost per use. 😉

My MIL chose a 100% cotton white woven with a blue design by Moda. When it was on the bolt I was so distracted at how beautiful and soft the fabric was that I forgot to look at the underside! There is no doubt about it- this fabric is truly a woven…and quite literally. So much that you can see the blue threads woven to the white background on the underside. The fabric is so delicate that I feel like it will snag and pose a problem when it comes to washing. I haven’t made a fabric mistake in a long time but I think it’ll be ok, as long as you are gentle with it.
Front, back & sleeve Sleeve topstitching
Luckily my MIL is almost a perfect size 12 so sewing it was a breeze. This is the first time I’ve ever sewn a garment for her. Sewing clothing (other than pj pants for the Viking) is not something I normally do, mainly because the person doesn’t live local for me to fit them. I get nervous when I am not able to stop and do a fitting in the middle of sewing. My greatest fear in sewing for other people is that the item ends up being too small! But in this case we were staying with my in-laws for a couple days so it was fine.
*Sidenote- At some point I want to be good enough in my sewing skills that I can take someone’s measurements and feel confident that the item will fit.

Tracing out a size 12 required more concentration since the lines are so close together. I applaud anyone who is able to see the lines so easily!
This is some serious pattern matching. Pockets. Now you see them…. ….now you don’t!
The only adjustment I did to her top was take in about 0.5″ inch from both sides. I also did not bother folding and pressing that pesky neck facing 1/4″ before attaching it onto the neckline. The rest of the directions I followed exactly. It was so much easier second time around! I also patterned matched the pockets which was really fun, lol.
She is ecstatic about her new top! I think it fits perfectly. I am delighted to use my sewing skills to make new clothes for others. Sewing sizes other than my own- male and female- will only make me a more well rounded sewist. Everyone walks away happy!
I absolutely love this top!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️💕💕💕💕. Thank you!
Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist !!!!!!!
I am so glad you like it! It looks great on you!!